Getting started is hard.

When I first created my site in 2017 I had lofty ambitions as to the frequency with which I would write posts here.

Things got busy with work and life and I did not exactly follow through on that.

However, fast forward a few years, and a few changes in my day-to-day job, and I’m feeling the need to get back into the swing of writing, and I dusted off my website for this purpose.

Other things also pushed me to pick this up again: recently Twitter imploded, and being the eternal optimist, I hope that someday Twitter turns around, but the magic may be gone forever.

Instead of writing, I was just focusing on getting out little quips on Twitter, not taking into account that nothing lasts forever and the world is not perfect. Twitter’s implosion taught me a valuable lesson, one which many of the folks I look up to in the industry likely have learned already: you need a place where you “own” your words. It’s the harder but better path that allows you to propagate your thoughts and reach a wider audience while preserving those thoughts against future unforeseen circumstances with various social networks.

The other thing that I’ve realized is that at this stage in my career, I need to be capturing ideas from my day-to-day experience, for multiple reasons, but one of the big ones is: You can’t clone yourself. Lest you want to repeat your thoughts and ideas over and over again to each new person you meet, the best you can do is capture them for async reading. Scott Hanselman has a great post that dives into this thought process.

I’ll likely write the nominal dry pieces on some specific technology or aspects of software engineering, but I want to go beyond that and make some observations on industry themes and trends, as I believe I have a unique perspective to offer here.

This unique perspective is really why I’m back: I have some things to say.